Hosted by Kenzie + Zunyda "What Happens On Earth Stays on Earth" is the motto. Welcome to our open format auditory exploration providing you with selections and reflections in the right direction. Powered by Tracklist: Earthship podcast EPISODE 002 Playlist Blaze feat Palmer Brown - My Beat A conversation featuring Kenzie, Zunyda + Mama Metri Gil scott-heron - Ain’t No New Thang Jaron Lanier Interview on how social media ruins your life Buttering trio - Juno Juno More conversation Funkadelic - A whole lot of bs (1972 version) Kenzie- Page Turner Audio Gorrillaz - Interlude: the non-conformist oath NFROMTHEWAVE- Pashun

Hosted by Kenzie + Zunyda 
"What Happens On Earth Stays on Earth" is the motto.
Welcome to our open format auditory exploration providing you with selections and reflections in the right direction.

On this episode we feature conversations about our relationship to technology and the dynamics of navigating it as a black artists in America.

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Cover Art by Yesterday Nite

EPISODE 002 Tracklist

Blaze feat Palmer Brown - My Beat
A conversation featuring Kenzie, Zunyda + Mama Metri
Gil scott-heron - Ain’t No New Thang
Jaron Lanier Interview on how social media ruins your life
Buttering trio - Juno Juno
More conversation
Funkadelic - A whole lot of bs (1972 version) 
Kenzie- Page Turner Audio
Gorrillaz - Interlude: the non-conformist oath 

Zunyda Watson1 Comment